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Justin & Leigh Box

Senior Leaders

Justin and Leigh were married in 2004 and have two children, Bella and
In February 2018 they became the new senior leaders of then
Church after taking over from Leigh’s parents, Mike and Julie
Smith, who lead it for 27 years. The Church would not be where it is today

without them. Their hearts, faith, commitment, sacrifice and love is what

we are now launching from. We are so thankful for their yes and the legacy

they have left. 


On June 16th 2019, Justin and Leigh felt to change the name of the Church

to Echo Church, to represent and reflect their heart and passion for the

Church they see. Matthew 6:10 has marked them forever. When they started to believe that Jesus actually meant what He said they began seeing people healed during every day life, during travel and holidays and also in Church.


They are passionate about all believers demonstrating who Jesus is through

kindness and power and their heart for Echo Church is that signs, wonders, miracles and the prophetic would

become a normal part of our life, with a foundation of love, kindness and compassion for all people.


We are excited about leading a Church with Leigh. I’m really excited about re-presenting who Jesus is, in an authentic and normal way. Let’s not be intense and weird! As a Church we want to meet practical need, as well as emotional and spiritual need, we want to see families thrive, people come alive and a never ending display of the miraculous. We love people, we love mixing things up and love doing things different... And we fully believe that to go where we haven’t gone before we need to do things we have never done before.” - Justin Box


Core Team



Sunday's at 10AM
50 Tootal Rd. Dingley Village


Part of Australian
Christian Churches

Echo Church

Connected with
Bethel Church

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